How Do Sunlight and Melanin Affect Vitamin D?

What is the connection between sunlight, melanin, and vitamin D?

Melanin acts like a natural shield when you expose your skin to sunlight. It protects your skin by absorbing some of the sun’s rays, rays that are vital for the production of vitamin D.

This article explores the relationship between sunlight, melanin, and vitamin D and why they are essential to your health.

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How to Test Your Blood Sugar (and Why)

Testing your blood sugar involves certain steps. That is the “how-to”.

But knowing how to do something, doesn’t mean that you’ll take the time to do it or that you’ll realize the importance of the task. Especially if that something makes you uncomfortable.

So before we get to the HOW of glucose testing, let’s discuss the WHY.

After that, we’ll look at the equipment you’ll need and we’ll go step-by-step through the blood sugar testing routine.

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