5 Tips to Keep Your Gorgeous Skin Looking Good and Feeling Good All Winter Long


Protect Your Skin

Going outdoors? Follow your grandmother’s advice and cover up! Cold outdoor temperatures can dry out your skin, especially your hands. So don’t forget your gloves and mittens.

Avoid Harsh Soaps

Harsh chemical-filled soaps can remove precious oils from your skin.

Stick with a beauty bar or a natural soap with moisturizers like Shea butter, glycerin or olive oil.

  • Shea butter contains vitamins A, E, and F that nourish your skin and fatty acids that balance the oils and reduce dryness.

  • Glycerin draws moisture from the air and traps it in the upper layers of your skin, keeping it hydrated.

  • Olive oil, rich in vitamins A, D, E, and K, moisturizes and hydrates your skin. (Use cautiously on infants or if you have sensitive skin or a family history of eczema.)

Warm Not Hot

A long hot bath or shower might feel great, but during the winter, warm is better for your skin.

And keep it short. No more than 10 minutes.

Moisturize, Moisturize

At least twice a day, and especially after a shower or bath or even hand washing, apply a thick moisturizing cream or ointment.

Moisturizing keeps water in your skin and helps keep natural oils from escaping.

But avoid moisturizers heavy on fragrance and additives that can irritate your skin.

Seek Professional Advice

Forget to moisturize, and a little bit of ashy-ness can turn into seriously dry skin. If that happens, try over-the-counter hydrocortisone.

  • Apply hydrocortisone to affected skin usually up to 4 times daily.

  • Avoid using it on the face or underarms.

  • Do not use it on children under two years old.

  • Follow package instructions.

If over-the-counter hydrocortisone doesn’t bring the smooth & silky back, then seek professional advice.

You Look Good!

Remember these tips to help keep your beautiful skin smooth and soft throughout the cold winter months and all year round.